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Hi There

$ Hi, I'm krishna 🙋🏻 and I talk Open source
$ I work as an Open-source GIS developer, Consultant and run agency to earn 🍽️ 
$ I create videos 📹 and blogs 📖 about open source GIS and programming
$ I'm creating some interesting products to help developers, checkout in Navigation tab.

Do I work alone ?

No 🙅🏻. Although I do have a personal contracts, I run an agency Rotten Grapes Private Limited where team of web GIS experts work full time. Depending upon client requirement, I either take project personally or via agency.

Companies I have worked with

wotr mmc_logo AMlogo ctbslogo giz-logo-e1520839037693 hardcastle IHMPR_2 job_in_gos khetibuddy mi_hazard nabard satpalda usaid washington wfa

Organizations that I'm part of

bni osgeo ogc